The biggest reason I signed up for service in the U.S.A.F., after wanting to get the Hell out of ma's house and a small town that didn't have enough action for me (but now is perfect) was because I have always been in love with the idea of defending freedom.
That freedom, in this country, means you get to worship whatever entity that you choose, or none at all. I like that. It's comforting to know that we can choose our own invisible men to praise or choose none at all. Along with that freedom definitely comes some ruffled feathers, especially if somebody just believes you are entirely "wrong" in your beliefs, morally or factually.
I had somebody close to me send me her 5 millionth e-mail forward about Jesus a few years back, and it pushed me over the edge. It wasn't any dislike for Christianity--it was my knowledge of her behavior as she preached the gospel. I won't say any more than that so as not to give away any identities, but let's just say that it was like being sold Christianity by somebody who had never yet lived by the principles it taught.
So, I had had enough, and I grabbed my American flag and waved it about for a while before sending this response out to her and a few other people so there would be no confusion, and it worked. It was very clear. I was upset that I had to break it down into so much detail, but here's my advice to you--say it once, say it with love, and leave no room for interpretation if somebody is doing something that drives you insane on a regular basis.
In my message to her, everything I stated is still accurate as far as what I believe except that I'm a full-fledged Ignostic now.
My message follows:
"Hey Jane Doe,
That freedom, in this country, means you get to worship whatever entity that you choose, or none at all. I like that. It's comforting to know that we can choose our own invisible men to praise or choose none at all. Along with that freedom definitely comes some ruffled feathers, especially if somebody just believes you are entirely "wrong" in your beliefs, morally or factually.
I had somebody close to me send me her 5 millionth e-mail forward about Jesus a few years back, and it pushed me over the edge. It wasn't any dislike for Christianity--it was my knowledge of her behavior as she preached the gospel. I won't say any more than that so as not to give away any identities, but let's just say that it was like being sold Christianity by somebody who had never yet lived by the principles it taught.
So, I had had enough, and I grabbed my American flag and waved it about for a while before sending this response out to her and a few other people so there would be no confusion, and it worked. It was very clear. I was upset that I had to break it down into so much detail, but here's my advice to you--say it once, say it with love, and leave no room for interpretation if somebody is doing something that drives you insane on a regular basis.
In my message to her, everything I stated is still accurate as far as what I believe except that I'm a full-fledged Ignostic now.
My message follows:
"Hey Jane Doe,
You know how much I love you, right? Ok,
well I went ahead and read this e-mail you forwarded. And this e-mail
is pretty much for you but I'm sending it to Jane Doe 2 and 3 as well so I
can try to make my position clear here and live a more peaceful life,
and hopefully to get the same type of cooperation from them as I hope to
get from you.
I've told you that I'm Agnostic (although lately I've been considering adding a little "Ignosticism,"
in with it... it's a bit of a different creature...), that I always
will be, and that I hoped you could respect it. I think that you
semi-acknowledged my request, but that in your heart, you believe that
if you can just throw enough Jesus at me, it'll finally stick.
Each time that I get something like this from anybody, after
I've made my position known to them, hurts a little. It has a ring of
dominance to it, as if the sender is saying, "Yeah, ok, you aren't so
sure my religion is the right religion (if any one necessarily is) but
I'm just going to keep dunking your head into the toilet filled with my
brand of Holy water until you believe." And, as you imagine going
through such a gross analogy, you are feeling what I feel when I get
these e-mails (and these e-mails can come from different people I know,
but don't worry--all will get this response from now on).
I love you very much, and I'm thankful for you and all of my
family, and everything that my family and friends have done for me. I
am committed to our pact of the elimination of negativity, and it is in
that spirt that I'd like to politely request, again, that you try not to
send me religious e-mails, especially of the type that suggest any one
human being might be closer to God than any other, or that some kind of
"love," or "blessings," have been deposited into some imaginary bank
I've read the bible, cover to cover. I've read more than my
fair share of the al-Qur'an, the Veda, the Analects, the 5 classics of
Confuscianism (Book of Rits, I Ching, Book of History, Book of songs and
one other), the Talmud, the Upanishads, the Tao-te-Ching, and the
Bhagavad Gita among others, and we aren't even into the real African and
Greek gods yet, with those books. We haven't even touched on
alternative religions or even pagan ones that lasted for centuries and
millenia. And how many religions were never recorded, but were
practiced? Believed? Religions that people lived and died for--that
shaped their daily decisions? It's a large, large number.
Normally, I wouldn't go into so much detail to try to explain
to you why I'm a dedicated, committed Agnostic, who has lately also
become a staunch defender of Agnosticism. Again, in summary, I am a man
who believes every human being, sane and insane alike, should be able
to both choose and exercise their religion as long as they are not
physically endangering anyone else or negatively affecting the general
public good in their worship rituals.
Moreover, I'm not willing to tell
any single religion or theism (including atheism) that they are wrong,
are going to Hell, are mislead, or are right. That includes you and
Christianity--I'll give my life in a split-second to defend your right
to pray and to try to heal people and everything else, because that
freedom is automatic for Americans (and I think most of us would die to
protect that freedom). In return, all I'm asking for is that you not
push your
religion on me, because I don't see your religion in the same light as
you--I see it as a practice, which was created by man (by Divine
guidance or otherwise) and represents but a speck of beliefs that all
humans before us and those alive among us, believe. It's your speck--I
respect that--but it ain't mine. And of course you could be
dead-right in your beliefs--I don't know--what I do know is that I will
not commit to any religion until I am certain it is positively,
absolutely, the only correct one nor will I rule any out as legitimate
until I can find and equally dis-empowering argument against it.
The truth is that I'm not going to live my life with any
reward in the after-life as a goal (nor will I live in fear of an
eternity in Hell). If that costs me, please, let it cost me. I
am your [family member], Kevin A. Kierstead. I'm not a fence-post Christian,
nor am I a Christian who pretends to be one when it's convenient while
routinely behaving in ways that would make any saint cringe (this is the
bulk of my disgust for many religions, from al-Qaeda claiming to be
doing Allah's work to the American Sunday Christian, who's normally
breaking those commandments up like crackers every day but Sunday--or so
many "priests," who saved their "best work," for Sundays, when they
could get alone with the altar boys...)...nor am I a Satan worshiper or
a whacked-out Wiccan.
I am Agnostic, and I have the right to be
Agnostic, because I'm an American (it's automatic). I will not routinely e-mail
you anything trying to talk you out of Christianity, nor will I
try to convince anyone in this world, including those from every
practice I've written about in this e-mail, to see things from my point
of view. What I will demand, however, and what I am demanding now, is
the right to not be bombarded by presumptuous messages from any of those
religions (I know you don't come up with most of these "forwards," but
I've seen soooooo many, and this is one too many).
I really hope you don't take
any offense to this. I just know that I'm gonna be stomping around
this old brown and green ball for some years to come, and I'd like to be
able to peacefully dodge the flying carpets that tend to be zooming
around regarding invisible deities and testaments that only the dead can
validate. I was talking to [my child] one day, and ever since she was old
enough to talk, I've encouraged her to explore religion and that if she
believed in a God (or anything else) and she wanted to "immerse"
herself or get involved, I would get her to every single meeting needed
for her to live that commitment. She knows that, too. And you know
what she said to me when she was visiting two summers ago? We had been
talking about how many different religions there are, and that most
people around here believed in Christianity. And I told her that lots
of people base everything
they do in their lives on the Bible. She says, "Well, Dad, it is just a
book." I said, "Huh?" She blinked, looked at me like I was stooopid,
and said, "The Bible. It's just a book."
She will not be punished for that (I will make sure of it)
just as she would not have been punished for saying that the Bible was
all that mattered in life. But I will say that I'm proud of her.... not
because she has somehow demoted the Bible--we all know there are some
good moral lessons in there, and that even if nothing else, those are
good lessons for the kids--but because she was/is willing to open up her
mind and think for herself, not to be corralled into some cattle pen
where the Christians are saved and the rest set ablaze.... she's free.
I'm free. You're free.
Love ya.
Thanks for understanding."
Thank you, Mary. I hate that people push you into a corner and make you get stern about it.